Monday, October 21, 2013

CO_grammar - Observation 1

I observed Felicia Ciappetta's Group 2B Grammar class this morning. Before class started, she wrote the agenda on the board: Bell Ringer (in which students were to take out a pencil and paper for a test), Attendance, Diagnostic Test - Part 1, and Grammar Review. I'd like to observe another grammar class because for 30 minutes of this class, the students and instructor were silent for a diagnostic quiz. During this, I took notes on how the instructor interacted with students as well as the strategies that students around me were using to answer the questions on the test. Felicia seems like a really great teacher. She is very engaging in her teaching style, and it is clear that she strives for her students' success. She spoke to the class in fairly simple terms and phrases, but her speech was fluid and well-paced. Following the quiz, the students participated in a board game activity in which they had to read a number of sentences and decide whether or not a particular preposition fit in the context. I took notes throughout the class with regard to the sheet we were given during our last TEFL class. Felicia said something that I really liked when she called a student's error "a beautiful mistake," letting the students know that it is ok to make mistakes. Like I said, I'd like to go to another one of her classes in which there is more teaching going on!


  1. Bobby, you brought up a good point! Simplified language, consistent speech rate and clear pronunciation are the most important part of any ESL class! Keep that in mind!

  2. I think it was good to see that sometimes English teaching will include the more "institutional" activities (like diagnostics or other tests), but that you can "save" the climate you are trying to build in the class (engaging, warm, friendly, high energy, meaningful) by reclaiming it when the test is over. This can be done by choosing to include an activity that magnifies this goal (playing a group engaging game that is fun and rewarding in the language) to "rinse the mouth" of the bad taste of institutional activities.

  3. It sounds like Felicia's class is a good one to observe. I hope that I get a chance to sign up for her.

    Jodie (I don't have my own account)
