Wednesday 11/20/2013
I emailed and texted the guys about meeting after class on Wednesday. Also, I drove to Tallahassee early to catch them coming out of class at 1:55pm to confirm. As they had a mid-term the next day, they decided to reschedule for 7pm. After hanging out for the rest of the afternoon, only one showed up. He apologized for skipping the last meeting, and he explained that he was fasting. So, we had a discussion on the meanings for the word "fast" in English.
We went to the library and practiced Simple Future sentences. But, somehow we got redirected onto the topic of "the holidays". So, I started to explain why we eat turkey on Thanksgiving. (The English brought turkeys to the colonies, because they didn't know turkeys were and indigenous species). And we got into a long discussion on the holiday of Christmas (e.g. Why do we celebrate Christmas, Why do we celebrate Christmas in December, etc.,) My Kuwaiti CP then pointed out the in his calendar is 1435. This marks the date that Mohammed left Mecca to spread Islam.
Next we talked his possibly becoming engaged over "the holidays" to his cousin. I drew the family tree, and I pointed out that we cannot marry our cousins. This led us into talking about the meaning of names. The Kuwaitis take the meaning of the name seriously. Also, it seems that they take their father's name, so this is pretty confusing to me.
We had a late chicken dinner at Grunthies which was surprisingly tasty. As only chicken is served there, you order by quantity (e.g. box, bucket, tailgate, etc.,) The CP learned that his order was simplify called the "Box".
As I dropped him off at his apartment, I played him a sample of Cajun and Lee Ritenour (jazz guitar). He thought the Jazz was ok, but thought the Cajun sounded like the German Polka. I taught him how to use the phrase, "Speak of the devil." He liked that. Then I drove back to Panama City and crashed into bed.
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