Sunday, December 8, 2013


Well these guys really seemed to enjoy the two reading lessons we did in the past weeks, and this time they brought some books with them that they wanted to read from. Now the levels of these books were not too high, and they could read them with ease, but that was fine. 

I went with some extensive reading exercises. They took turns reading… while one read the book, the other listened. At the end of every page or so, I would stop the reader and ask if there were any questions about the words which were read. If there were I would write out the word with an example sentence, and then I would say several in sentences using the word in different ways. I would ask them to put the word into sentences themselves to check if they got it. I would also ask questions about the context of the text. What was happening, who said what to whom and how that person reacted… that kind of thing. It was heavily based in dialog, so it was easy to ask about that was going on. 

Towards the end, we assigned different characters to each of the students. It was a fun kind of activity, and some of the parts sparked conversations about customs and things in the USA. They were able to talk about the material with some ease, and there was about one or two words per paragraph which they didn’t know, so it worked well with the extensive reading

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