Monday, December 9, 2013

Ryan Kid6 (TP#11)

I met with Jason at the library again to continue studying for his big english and Reading test tomorrow. As usual for Monday nights, we spent the first half of the hour doing his reading homework. It was a story about the beach and lifeguards, and there were a lot of things in the story that were both cultural and unexplained by the text, like white smears on noses (Jason thought they were boogers) and "sun-bleached hair". So it was fun walking him through "a day at the beach" and what that's like.

For the second half, we switched to reading the story he's going to be tested on tomorrow. Even though he forgot the story, we randomly found "Uncle Jed's Barbershop" online somewhere, so we were good to go to study. Like we usually do when we read, I had him read a few paragraphs and then summarize for me. After I came up with a few questions and he answered them perfectly (he must be studying this in class too), I asked him to try to think of some questions that his teacher might ask. I don't know why I thought that would work out, but note to self, that strategy isn't helpful with an 8-year-old haha. I went back to asking questions and I think he's going to crush his test tomorrow...well, I hope so!

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