Monday, December 16, 2013

Moses CP #2

In my first conversation session with Rafael, we talked about the political situation in his home country of Venezuela and his goals and aspirations.  He said that with the current regime and the one that just ended, Venezuela is a very dangerous place for locals, but especially for Americans.  Even though there is still trade between the countries and it is possible to get visas to the U.S., it is basically an unhealthy climate.  He told me that he already had a B.A. in Law from Venezuela, but wanted to get an American B.A. in something like Economics and do something like international banking.  He liked the CIES program because he felt that if his language was more like an American, it would be easier to blend in and be under less scrutiny by professors in his coursework.  His goal was to complete his degree at a University like Georgetown that had an international reputation and he really liked Washington D.C. and the area.

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