Monday, December 9, 2013

Paul C.O. #3

My 3rd class observation was right after the Grammar lesson. This time, the group level was Group 3 and the class was composition. Angel Rios was the teacher. I found it interesting that he is not a native speaker! I knew he was Hispanic by his accent. It turns out he's Puerto Rican like my mother (that explains why I was so familiar with his accent!!).
Angel explained how he was gone the previous week and that this week he expected many students to be missing from the class. Because of these two reasons, his lesson of the day was very simple and easy-going. Before I write about that, though, I want to point out that I noticed right away that his speechc rate was not adjusted at all. His students were clearly advanced enough to understand him when he spoke in his normal pace. That was a large contrast to Leslie and her Group 1 students!
After taking attendance, Angel passed a sheet of paper to everyone. One side had a story with blanks, and the other side had blanks and directions on what part of speech to use (e.g. s. noun, p. noun, verb, place, etc.). He had the students (and me) fill out that part, and then write those words in the blanks in the story when done. After that, he had the class split up into a couple groups and read their stories to each other. After doing that, each group chose one person of the group to read their story to the class. After comparing answers, Angel asked the class some comprehension questions about the story, making sure that they understood what was happening. (The story was about a man who puts the flag up and takes the flag down at a school everyday. When the flag was not up, the students knew something was wrong. That's when they found him stuck inside a _________ (small place).)
After that exercise, he mentioned a possible expansion of CIES in Puerto Rico! Then he wished the class a Happy Thanksgiving and then dismissed them.

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